I’m a baby boomer. I’m at the young end of this category, so I see my peers aging and I am caring for aging parents. The time when seniors are still at home, but beginning to need assistance with simple life tasks presents a new challenge. We want to make sure our senior family members are eating healthy, balanced meals. We want them to be safe in their kitchens, understanding safe stove and oven usage, safety with knives, and using food before it spoils. And diets may need to be modified for new health challenges or to be compatible with medications.
To many, this is a daunting new chapter in life. For me, this is an opportunity to care for my senior friends and family by being their personal chef. Yes, there are services such as Meals on Wheels, and while affordable, the food taste is lacking. And you get the meals they serve with little choices.
My personal chef business is consultative. I love to prepare familiar recipes for my customers. I chat about what you like and what you don’t. Do you like spicy food? Do you prefer certain veggies over others? Are you longing for the traditional foods you enjoyed while growing up? The answer: employ a personal chef.
Services you should expect from a personal chef include:
• Weekly menu planning between chef and customer
• Grocery shopping
• Meal prep and clean-up
• Supervision of fresh food expiration.
• Adjustments in portion size as needed
• Variety of meals, and documentation of what was served.
To find a personal chef near you, check with your local senior center, advertisements, or visit USPCA | United States Personal Chef Association
Personal chefs are the more affordable option to assisted living. And your parents will be happier the longer they can live independently.